[[Wandrians Act I]]\n[[Wandrians Act II]]\n[[Wandrians Act III]]
TO: pestilentialpaladin\nFROM: brimstoneblossom\nSUBJECT: Re: Re: adventure time\nEven tho i know u and jain are kind of like frenemies and she doesnt want you to come i secretly think it would be really cool if you did\n\n[[I know.]]
“No herald to announce us? I feel almost let down,” he comments.\n [[“And I suppose you have so much experience,” Lily replies sarcastically.]]
TO: brimstoneblossom\nFROM: arcticangel\nSUBJECT: Re: hello\nLily, I feel rather betrayed that you revealed my secret quest plans to an antagonistic party before even I had made a decision! I would exclude you from my questing party if it didn’t leave me alone with lame Ghost Jared! :|\n\n[[Seriously, he is pretty lame.]]
TO: brimstoneblossom\nFROM: pestilentialpaladin\nSUBJECT: Re: zombieland\nI knew you would like that movie. After all every one likes a goodplague. Al though I fear that your choice of film will not quite stand up to mine seeing as how your tastes are less taste ful. Though they are no where near as bad as Jain s. Or Jared s for that matter.\n[[Lily: Protest.]]
Lily:\nJared! Do NOT put up posters in my room!\n\n[[Are you going to take that, Jared?]]
[[The Wandrians]]\n[[The Dissidents]]\n[[Convergence]]\n[[Part V]]\n[[Merechyn]]
The computer is talking! It's Cas. Faaantastic.\n\n[[Answer?]]
TO: pestilentialpaladin\nFROM: brimstoneblossom\nSUBJECT: adventure time\nSam were totally goin on a quest not you i mean but me and jain and its totally awesome and theres permissions and shit its so cool some magical dudes came and asked us and so maybe jain didnt agree yet but she totes will\n\n[[So.]]
The grand entry hallway’s ceilings are nearly fifty feet in height, decorated with elaborate mosaics and delicately sculpted birds. Through more tall arches there can be seen courtyards and opulent gardens. Ahead of them is a large door that presumably opens into the throne room. A page ushers Jane towards it, though [[Sam and Lily are barred from entering.]]
Sam is actually not human. You probably noticed he has wings. That is very much not human. His brother Cas is also very much not human. He has wings too. Sam likes to watch apocalypse movies like 2012, and Zombieland, which he recently recommended to a friend. He especially likes fighting and also swords. There is a slain elf on the floor of his room. Right now he is receiving [[an email.]]
TO: brimstoneblossom\nFROM: pestilentialpaladin\nSUBJECT: Re: adventure time\nHa ha is that what these guys are for? I totally just stabbed him. I guess I ll just hitch a ride with you guys.\n\n[[Lily: Assure.]]
Lumen\n<html><img src="isaaccontrast.jpg" height="50%" width="50%"></html>
Lily:\nIf you think you’re haunting me by hanging pictures of a girl in a pink wig you need to go back to poltergeist academy.\n\n[[Defend yourself, Jared.]]
The voices are eclipsed suddenly by a low growling behind her. [[Jain whirls around,]]
When Jain materializes on the surface of the patchwork planet, she immediately realizes this is not where she is supposed to be. This is a [[forest]], not a castle, and all around her rise the dark barren trunks of a thousand spindly trees.
TO: arcticangel\nFROM: brimstoneblossom\nSUBJECT: hello\nJain im eagerly awaitin your decision over here i mean we havent got all day and really you oughtta accept this quest like a real skyrim adventurer and anyway I already told sam and cas you were doin a quest forrealz and especially you need a irl friend that isnt a polarbear\n\n[[Express dismay at betrayal.]]
TO: arcticangel\nFROM: pestilentialpaladin\nSUBJECT: questy\nAll right it seems you re all ready to do this questing thing. I m pretty psyched about it my self. So is Cas apparently, the most unreliable coward I can name. His presence is notrecommended. Just please make sure Lily s ghostfriend isn t there.\n\n[[Jain: Bemoan.]]
It is really quite cold and also [[she]] has no neighbors.
“Hold on! What about my friends--?” Jane’s protest is cut off as the page forces the door closed behind her. “Sam?! Lily!”
Jain sure is sick of everyone making decisions for her.\n\nTry [[someone else]]?\n\nFinished Acts I-III? Try [[Wandrians Act IV]].
Jain pauses to check the [[email]] from Lily.
TO: pestilentialpaladin\nFROM: arcticangel\nSUBJECT: Re: questing group couple\nI’m really trying my best here to politely decline your kind however poorly motivated offer to help me on this quest! I’m afraid I have no place for either your or your party pooper brother!\n\n[[It's the party pooper brother.]]
High up above is a canopy of leaves, through which is cast a green light like stained glass. There isn’t any wind but whispery sounds still flow through the air, like leaves at first but as Jain listens closer more like [[voices.]]
[[Convergence Act I]]\n[[Convergence Act II]]
Lily is an athletic Frisbee fanatic who lives in a large Victorian accompanied by just one ghost, named Jared. Jared is considered by most to be pretty lame, especially when compared to Lily, who is really cool. Right now Lily is [[emailing some guy]] on her laptop.
TO: arcticangel\nFROM: brimstoneblossom\nSUBJECT: Re: quest\nJain where are you things are kind of wack right now there’s leprechauns and shit telling me i gotta do things u getting any of this\n\n*[[No way!!]]
TO: brimstone blossom\nFROM: arcticangel\nSUBJECT: Re: Re: quest\nSorry Lily I didn’t mean to make you wait! I was held up by popcorn! You know how that goes! Anyway I have been spoken at by a sprite in a similar manner as it appears you have! A Queen has apparently summoned me and there’s also Heroes and special permissions! I don’t know if I have a choice but if I do then what do I say?!\n\n[[You've got mail~!]]
[[Dissidents Act I]]\n[[Dissidents Act II]]
TO: arcticangel\nFROM: brimstoneblossom\nSUBJECT: Re: Re: hello\nJared says to tell you he is very not lame but unfortunately i must concur with your insightful description bc he is pretty much the most uncool ghost ever\n\n[[Lily: Execute decision.]]
Holding the bowl of popcorn, Jain proceeds upstairs to her chambers. Someone—a pasty-pale sprite of some sort, not quite tall enough to be average but not short enough to be abnormal, blocks the way. A staredown ensues. As the [[sprite]] bows, he pulls an enormous scroll, one so large it has taken up the whole of his back to carry.
The Queen’s Court isn’t nearly as spectacular as Jane had imagined it would be. Sure, pale marble towers over them as they enter, but having grown up in the magnificently sculpted arctic landscape, she finds it somewhat lacking in majesty. Lily seems adequately impressed, however, though if Sam thinks the gilded gates anything more than amazing, he keeps it to himself.\n[[Friends: Converse.]]
Sprite:\nOn royal order from the Queen, you are hereby summoned to perform services in the name of Queen, under the inherent title “Hero”, which in coexistence with the Queen’s special permissions endows you with a natural magical power in addition to fortune’s favor.\n\n*[[Hold on a second.]]
[[Pariah Act I]]
Jared:\nI don’t believe you have authority over my ghosters\n\n[[Insult him, Lily. This is pathetic.]]
TO: brimstoneblossom\nFROM: weepingwandrian\nSUBJECT: Shaolin granny\nI thought you would be pleased to know I thoroughly enjoyed your film choice, “Shaolin Granny”! It was most surely “quality entertainment”, as they say. As per your agreement with Sam I hereby request that you watch the movie “Serenity”, starring the cast of “Firefly”—before the film, of course, you must watch the entire run of the show.\n\n[[WTF?]]
TO: pestilentialpaladin\nFROM: brimstoneblossom\nSUBJECT: zombieland\nI finally watched zombieland like u said u were right it was such a magical film experience and this means its my turn to pick a movie that you have to watch\n\n[[Sam: Respond.]]
TO: arcticangel\nFROM: pestilentialpaladin\nSUBJECT: questing group couple\nHey Jain it s Sam. So I heard you ve got one of theseelves a live and he s offering you a prettydamngood deal on a kinda questing group pair and since I m pretty experienced with this variety of shenanigan I just thought I d make my self available to you in any way that you mayneed me. Notice how I said any way\n\n[[Politely decline this jerk.]]
TO: arcticangel\nFROM: brimstoneblossom\nSUBJECT: Re: Re: Re: quest\nJain wow ur clearly not thinking straight i mean its almost silly your lack of judgment that is like have you never played wow or skyrim or anything obv you accept the quest even if it comes from a weird short guy wearing funny pants\n\n[[Wait, somebody else is talking.]]
[[Part V Act I]]
Jared:\nI don’t need to, I have my ghost GED\n\n[[Take it down.]]
TO: weepingwandrian\nFROM: brimstoneblossom\nSUBJECT: Re: Shaolin granny\nHow did you even watch an entire feature length film in that amount of time ps i am not bound by any agreement to watch your movie picks\n\n[[Oh look, a leprechaun.]]
TO: arcticangel\nFROM: weepingwandrian\nSUBJECT: I resent that :|\nI’m hurt and surprised that you would refer to me in such a manner—and I quote, “party pooper brother”. However hurt I may feel I still extend an invitation as a very competent, very capable, non “party pooper brother” quest member. I as a matter of fact have a wonderful personality. And after all, no quest is complete without rad darkling powers >:)\n\n[[Ignore eavesdropping darkling.]]
Sprite:\nI have been informed by my comrades that, through one of your assistants, you agreed to serve the crown. While your consent was ultimately irrelevant, we would prefer not to take you by force…\n[[Sam: Advise.]]
TO: pestilentialpaladin\nFROM: brimstoneblossom\nSUBJECT: Re: Re: zombieland\nActually i think my movie tastes are pretty good i mean if everyone likes a plague then everyone probs likes a good martial arts film so now you have to watch shaolin granny ps jared has no idea what a good movie is\n\n[[Jared is hanging up a poster.]]
FROM: pestilentialpaladin\nSUBJECT: Re: Re: Re: adventure time\nAwe some. Nomatter what she says I know Jain actually enjoys my company. In the mean time I must go rub this questing victory in Cas s face.\n\nChoose [[someone else]].\n\nFinished Acts I-III? Try [[Wandrians Act IV]].
TO: arcticangel\nFROM: brimstoneblossom\nSUBJECT: vassal\nAlright jain ive made an executive decision here and on your behalf i signed onto the quest dealio so this thing is sure goin down as soon as you find two more questies for our questy\n\n[[Sprite: Distract.]]
What.\n\nTime to try [[someone else]].\n\nFinished Acts I-III? Try [[Wandrians Act IV]].
[[Part I]]\n[[Part II]]\n[[Part III]]\n[[Part IV]]\n[[Part V]]\n[[Epilogue]]
Not only that, she is actually magical! She is so magical that she has almost as much magic as the average darkling. Right now she’s at home, standing in her room, thinking about lunch. She descends to the kitchen where a pot of popcorn is overfull on the stove. While in the kitchen her cell phone buzzes with an incoming email from her friend, Lily. Jain disregards the message and proceeds to empty the [[popcorn]] into a bowl.
Leprechaun:\nAt the behest of Her Royal Highness you are hereby summoned to accompany the Hero in her service on a quest of Life and Death.\n\n[[Lily?]]
There sure is a lot of popcorn here. It is most probably because Jain’s father, once employed by a company that delivers lifetime supplies, became stranded in the Arctic while transporting a lifetime supply of popcorn. Out on the ice, with nothing to do but slay polar bears and eat popcorn, he found his calling. That is why, at present, both Jain and her father live in a [[polar residence]] and consume mostly corn.
Jain lives in the [[Arctic.]]
but there is nothing there, only leaves settling on the ground. The growling starts again, behind her, but again there is nothing. Then she turns around once more and sees it massive, wolfish silhouette, poised to strike, just before [[everything dissolves again and she reappears in a courtyard beside Lily and Sam.]]